Mrs. Tanner's seniors work on a slide presentation as they finish their "Legend of Sleepy Hollow" unit. Lots of "spooky" projects currently going on in PHS classes!
3 months ago, Pottsville High School
October Student of the Month: Tripp Price! If you feel a moment of deja vu, don't worry: Tripp was honored as Student of the Month last year, too. He's pretty great!
3 months ago, Pottsville High School
PSD Families, There is a delay in bus transportation today. Buses are running approximately 15 to 20 minutes behind schedule. We appreciate your understanding and patience. We’ll keep you updated as necessary. Have a great day!
3 months ago, Pottsville Junior High
Can you escape hysteria? Mrs. Brownlee's Junior English classes completed an escape room after reading "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller. The winners from each class will receive a Sonic drink from Mrs. Brownlee.
3 months ago, Sara Brownlee
Escape Room Winners
Escape Room Winners
Escape Room Winners
Escape Room Winners
Mrs. Broyles presented Jose Alcantar with a "caught being good" button. The only thing brighter than Jose's smile is his future!
3 months ago, Pottsville High School
EAST has decided to extend the deadline for purchasing pages for the Fall Senior Memory Book! The form below is available for pick up in the office. If you would rather fill out an online form, the link is below. All Fall sports, classes, and activities that your senior is apart of, you are welcome to purchase a page for! This is not for an ad in the Yearbook. Money and Forms are now due Friday, November 1st for pass out on Friday, November 8th. This is a hard deadline as we have to design and print.
3 months ago, Christian Flemmons
EAST has decided to extend the deadline for purchasing pages for the Fall Senior Memory Book! The form is available for pick up in the office. Fall sports, classes, and activities that your senior is apart of, you are welcome to purchase a page for! Money and Forms are now due Friday, November 1st.
3 months ago, Christian Flemmons
Apache Showcase Nov 4th 5-8
3 months ago, Jennifer Curry
Apache Showcase
A UACCM recruiter visited with students this past week, and they learned about the different programs available just twenty minutes down the road. Several PHS students are enrolled on both campuses--a great option for those who want the benefits of concurrent classes!
4 months ago, Pottsville High School
Mrs. Storm and Mrs. Kendrick welcomed guest speakers from ANO into their classrooms to discuss STEM careers, specifically those available at the nuclear reactor, where average salaries span from $60,000 to $130,000. Students had the opportunity to ask questions and learn about the science behind this clean energy source.
4 months ago, Pottsville High School
This group of biology students took a quiz over microscopes and then moved to the lab to practice using their knowledge with real ones. Second-period Biology is FULL of big tenth-grade (and teacher) personalities!
4 months ago, Pottsville High School
Mrs. Brooka Potts stepped in to cover the concession stand during a recent volleyball game, and she earned her first "caught being good" button. We catch Mrs. Potts being good every day!
4 months ago, Pottsville High School
After Prom planning and fundraising start WAY before April! These mamas spent many hours this week creating Boo Grams (in between organizing for Sadie Hawkins and watching a few volleyball games, too). PHS has the best parents!
4 months ago, Pottsville High School
In a fun twist to PHS's "caught being good" program, Mrs. Stephanie Mathis honored Jose Parra with his first button of the year.! #ourtribestory
4 months ago, Pottsville High School
The Sadie Hawkins Dance isn't ready for Caden and his pizza tie! Shout out to Mrs. Loveless for helping Caden pull his outfit together!
4 months ago, Pottsville High School
Mrs. Riley's classes practiced recording transactions and posting them to T-accounts; this chalk assignment helped students better visualize how transactions impact the accounting equation. A great way to enjoy the sunshine and use some kinesthetic learning!
4 months ago, Pottsville High School
PHS students participated in the FBLA Fall Convention on Friday; they enjoyed a great speaker and inducted new members and officers. Thanks for representing us so well!
4 months ago, Pottsville High School
Parents/Guardians: State ATLAS scores from school year 23-24 (Grades 4-11) were sent home with students today and also emailed to parents/guardians. If you do not receive the information in email by 10-24-24-- please contact to make sure your email address on file is current. Please check with your students to see letter from the school, score reports and how to access additional information online. Have a great evening!!! #OurTribeStory
4 months ago, Jennifer Curry
Atlas scores
Aidan, Baylee, & Abby returned from fall break to the sonic drink of their choice after winning the trial of Pluto vs the IAU in Mrs. Kendrick's class. Their airtight defense for the IAU’s choice to demote Pluto earned them this reward!
4 months ago, Pottsville High School
Congratulations to our newest "Caught Being Good" student: Alex Davis! He helped a classmate clean up a spilled drink without being asked. #OurTribeStory
4 months ago, Pottsville High School