Aug 15th, Apache Showcase!!
7 months ago, Jennifer Curry
Apache showcase
Clothing Donations July 24th and 25th , PJH Cafe entrance 4-6 PM
7 months ago, Jennifer Curry
Clothing Donations
Senior Sunrise Breakfast
7 months ago, Kristen Ham
Senior Sunrise Breakfast
The road behind Pottsville Junior High is being paved this week & will be closed from Tuesday, July 23rd until Monday, July 29th!
7 months ago, Pottsville Junior High
Road Closed
🎉 Save the Date! 📆 🏫 📚🌟 #SchoolOpenHouse #OurTribeStory 🎈
7 months ago, Pottsville Junior High
Open House Schedule
Join our TRIBE at Pottsville!
7 months ago, Pottsville Junior High
We Are Hiring
PSD May Students of the Month: Elementary - Emmarie White; Middle Grades - Cache Anderson; Junior High - Wren Taylor; High School: Luis Dominquez
8 months ago, Pottsville Junior High
Students of the Month
PSD April Students of the Month: Elementary - Evelyn Jordan; Middle Grades - Rhett Abbott; Junior High - Ty Moore; High School: Lorlei Anderson
8 months ago, Pottsville Junior High
Students of the Month
PSD March Students of the Month: Elementary - Not Pictured; Middle Grades - Brenda Martin; Junior High - Caleb Lewis; High School - Romy Zuntz
8 months ago, Pottsville Junior High
Students of the Month
PSD February Students of the Month: Elementary - David Cordero; Middle Grades - Bryleigh Stripling ; Junior High - Julio Gonzalez (Not Pictured); High School - Tripp Price & Kade Breautigam (January)
8 months ago, Pottsville Junior High
Students of the Month
PSD January Students of the Month: Elementary - Audrey Haney; Middle Grades - Mackenzie Huyser; Junior High - Hannah Casey; High School - Not Pictured: Kade Braeutigam
8 months ago, Pottsville Junior High
Students of the Month
Share your pictures, videos, and reactions of the eclipse today! Mr. Roberts, Mrs. Storm and some community members are checking out the main event today at the High School. Perfect viewing and nearly cloudless skies.
10 months ago, Pottsville School District
Mr. roberts setting up projection equipment
picture of a partial eclipse
April 8th is coming soon! Solar eclipses are amazing. Check out how they work in more detail here:
10 months ago, Pottsville School District
How does a solar eclipse form? A solar eclipse is formed when the sun, earth, and moon are in a straight line with the moon in the middle. The moon will block the sun's light and be seen as a solar eclipse by the observer's eyes. The type of eclipse formed is determined by how far the moon is located from the earth. Keep an eye on the moon as it will get closer to its new moon position the next two weeks.